
Here are some ideas to get you started-
- Ten Years: Where do you see yourself? What do you want to achieve? Perhaps the usual- complete a triathlon, invent a cereal, watch every episode of Dawson's Creek, become a wizard.
- New Year Resolutions: Last year my friend ate every burger on the Grill'd menu. Legen-I hope you're not lactose intolerant because the next word is- dary.
- Predictions: What will happen with Global Warming, the state of the world, but also with technology, people you know, bands you like that will suck in future (AFI I'm looking at you from 2003 onwards) or unexpectedly become awesome, fashion, or even your ridiculous 2012 hypotheses. We want it all- we're greedy like that.
- Relationships: Which ones do you want to end? Or begin? Who is your ideal future significant other?
Here are some things to keep in mind -
1. The issue is themed 'FUTURE'; therefore, all entries must somehow relate to the theme. It can be anything to do with FUTURE (see the above suggestions), but don't limit yourself to our ideas- be creative!
2. Along with your submission, please send us your postal address so we can send a (free!) copy of our zine.
3. Make sure you tell us how you want to sign your work- with your full or just your first name, a pseudonym, a tag, a small picture of a mouse, just tell us how to let others know that it's your work.
4. All submissions will be printed on A5 black-and-white pages, so if you're submitting an image with colour, have a think about how it will look in black-and-white (Especially if the lighting is not the brightest...)
5. Unfortunately, we can’t always guarantee that your all your work will make it into the final product, especially if you submit multiple entries. However, don't get disheartened- we encourage you to try again next edition (who knows, you might see your work on one of the the JTAY interweb pages).
Much love,
Everyone at Just To Annoy You.
Final Contribution Date - 14th February
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