Clayton, Scarlett and Lucy holding down the fort |
The Wonderful Band |
Our Wares |
Scarlett meditating on BJECT |
Much fun was had at the 2011 ‘I Am Typewriter’ Zine Fair; many a zine were flicked through read and bought, music was played, danced too and thoroughly enjoyed – I also enjoyed a chicken baguette from Waffle On. ( I call it a number 4 because I can’t pronounce the French name.)
Sheepishly received a sign copy of
Sam Wallman’s ‘Brain Furniture’.
Scarlett had a brilliantly hilarious ‘Zombified Portrait’ of her partner drawn up by
Brendan Halyday for his birthday. (BEST GIFT EVER)
We made many zine swaps and purchased Staples AKA Bearded Hobo’s latest travel zine detailing his adventures crashing around America and the resulting postcard project
– highly recommended read!
All in all the JTAY crew took much joy in watching the public get caught in the perplexing trap of our backwards covers, the culprit often chuckling to themselves and remarking on their understanding of our concept and how cool it was to be like a Manga novel.
Cheers to all those who came down to say hi and support us and to all the new friends we made!
Can’t wait for next year...